We stock the largest selection of new and used goaltending equipment in Saskatchewan. Whether you’re just starting out or are looking for the newest set of custom gear, we sell everything you need to improve your performance and stay safe on the ice. Check out our full line-up of top brand names including Bauer, CCM, Vaughn, True and Brian’s. We offer custom Goalie Equipment ordering.
We also carry the best selection of Pads, Gloves, Chest Protectors, Pants, Sticks, Skates, Masks, Bags and other products in stock. We have Everything for Everyone.
Trades are welcome! Trade in your old gear and upgrade to something new today!
Custom Pro Goalie Equipment Available.
Call to inquire about custom gear (306)-242-6035
- CCM https://us.ccmhockey.com/CLPgoaliecustomizegear.html
Axis XF available soon - Bauer https://ca.bauer.com/pages/mybauer-goalie-gear
Shadow live March 14th - True https://customizer.truetempergoalie.com/
- Vaughn https://vaughnhockey.com/customizer/?modelId=vpg-v10-pro-carbon
SLR 4 available soon - Brians https://www.goalies-only.com/
Eclipse available soon